National-Disability-Employment-Awareness-Month-banner with text that reads disability: part of the equity equation and a web address d o l dot g o v slash o d e p



Metropolitan 社区 College is proud to support 全国残疾人就业宣传月(NDEAM). 每年十月举行, NDEAM aims to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. 整个月, we'll be engaging in a variety of activities to educate our community on disability employment issues and the role they play in fostering an equitable and inclusive work culture.



10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. CDT
In support of Disability Awareness Month come meet with potential employers from the community regarding employment opportunities. This will be a time to learn about working with individuals with disabilities and the organizations that serve them, 以及在这个领域找到一份职业. 参加招聘会的雇主是奥利·韦伯, 马赛克, Vodec, 内布拉斯加州残疾发展中心, 及360社区服务


虚拟的电影 & 讨论:聋人的就业障碍.
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CDT
聋人在进入大学时面临许多障碍, 在大学期间, 在就业方面. Captioned videos with no voice over will be shown of deaf people sharing their experiences. 对聋人的常见误解也将被讨论.


南奥马哈校区,con 249/250
下午1时至下午2时.m. CDT
Join us to learn about the benefits of assistive technology for individuals with lifelong and temporary disabilities. ATP提供现场评估以及设备培训. 为就业、学习等探索辅助设备.


虚拟讲座:残疾 & 《领导力:挑战与新视野
工作场所DEI -雇佣实践和策略
Neena Nizar,创始人 & 詹森基金会执行董事,世纪挑战集团项目协调员
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. CDT
会议编号:965 3792 1659
残疾是多样性的一部分, 公平与包容, 但通常是非常少的, 或者组织DEI战略中不存在的部分. 本次会议旨在为与会者提供信息, 有关包容残疾最佳做法的提示和资源. It will explore the intersection between leadership and disability and the need for a much more expansive definition of leadership that fits disabled people in the post-Covid world; a fresh reflection on how more flexible and open definitions of what constitutes 'leadership' might empower marginalized groups to take on formal decision-making roles.



  • 了解残疾人在领导岗位上取得进步的程度.
  • Understand obstacles getting in the way of disabled people achieving and thriving in leadership roles.
  • Discover what people in positions of power and influence (business leaders and policymakers) could do to improve progress.
  • 超越当前的Covid-19大流行,问问自己, what might the term 'successful leadership' in the workplace comprise or mean for disabled people.



by 我们的无障碍团队
CDT上午11:00 -下午12:00
注册在 障碍打破者:残疾人就业庆典(NDEAM),
Meet professionals living with disabilities who've built successful careers and challenged traditional disability employment views!


东部夏令时上午11:00 -下午1:00
支持“残疾就业意识月”, 与社区资源组织和潜在雇主见面. This will be a time to learn about working with individuals with disabilities and the organizations that support them with their employment goals. 参加展会的社区资源组织是自闭症行动, 内布拉斯加州职业康复服务, 内布拉斯加州盲人和视障人士委员会, 商誉行业, 世纪挑战集团人力服务部门等等.

住宿: Audience members requiring accommodations due to a disability must contact an OPE电子竞技官网 残疾支援服务 Counselor, dssc@teddyexports.net, 531-622-2208至少在活动前两周.
观看极速事件是免费的 & 向公众开放.
联系 dssc@teddyexports.net 了解更多信息.


The following points should be considered when working with students with a disability:

  • Students with disability may also be gifted and talented and/or have English as an additional language and/or dialect. In some instances, a student may require support in more than one element of diversity
  • Students with disability can achieve educational standards commensurate with their peers
  • Students with disability who require adjustment/s to one learning area may not require the same adjustment/s to another learning area
  • Not all students with a disability require adjustments to all dimensions of the curriculum
  • Students with the same category of disability do not always require the same adjustments
  • Students with disability may require different levels of adjustment over time to reach their potential
  • 持续形成性评估, 特别是预评估, is critical to ensure that learning area content and adjustments align with student needs.